PG LifeLink offers Annual Isolated Power Panel Testing for all facilities using Isolated Power. PG LifeLink’s qualified Field Service Technicians are specifically trained on all brands and models of Isolated Power Panels.

NFPA-99 Line Isolation Monitor Testing (LIM) is vital to ensuring that Isolated Power Systems reliably perform their patient protection and fault monitoring role. NFPA 99, paragraph requires that all Line Isolation Monitors (LIMs) be tested and documented at least every 12 months (every 1 month for older analog designs). LIMs must also be tested after any “repair or renovation” to the system using external fault loads (paragraph Learn more at Isolated Power Panel testing requirements.

Line Isolation Monitor Testing

Testing to cover the NFPA requirements can be performed internally by facility personnel. This type of testing provides minimal information about the health of the system. However, these basic tests do not provide the type of data necessary to spot trends and ensure that system reliability is not compromised in the future.

Annual Testing: NFPA 99 versus PG LifeLink


PG LifeLink offers one year or multi-year Annual Isolated Power Panel & Line Isolation Monitor Testing Contracts. The testing completed by our Field Service Technicians far surpasses the minimal requirements to remain compliant for NFPA and Joint Commission audits. Our Field Service Technicians are factory trained to thoroughly test the entire Isolated Power Panel and associated electrical components in operating rooms and other wet procedure locations.

Line Isolation Maintenance and Training

While on-site, Technicians also offer training for clinical and facility maintenance staff on the proper use and maintenance of Isolated Power Systems. After completion of testing, PG LifeLink provides the facility owner a comprehensive report with critical information about the health of the systems and recommendation on any required repairs.

  • Eligible PG LifeLink equipment may qualify for a free yearly extension of the standard product warranty as long as an active Annual Testing Contract is maintained.
  • Typically, a facility experiencing difficulties with a LIM is responsible not only for replacement of that LIM but also the labor and re-testing of the panel if it is not covered under warranty.
  • With a PG LifeLink Annual Testing Contract, all warranty related costs are included.

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